Even we beer people are sometimes
forced to drink something other than
beer. As a public service to beer lovers
everywhere BeerNexus presents the only
monthly column of reviews you'll ever see
on a beer website about
everything not beer!
Tumeric Alive’s Mineral Green Elixir is a nicetake on green juice,
blending its core turmeric base with spirulina, barley grass, chlorella,
cardamom and spearmint in a high-pressure processed formulation.
From a flavor perspective, the turmeric is still very much a dominant
flavor and aroma. From there, the drink has a very subtle grassy flavor,
which is immediately followed by a mild, but lingering, note of ginger
spice. Worth trying.    Recommended.
Reviews for March 2014
Go Ape Energy Drink is a sugar-sweetened which makes for a very
sweet taste.  It has light berry and peach notes with a mild bite to the
finish. It’s certainly a tolerable flavor, albeit one that isn’t overly
memorable. The product doesn’t disclose its caffeine content, while the
formulation also has a pretty standard-looking blend of B vitamins,
taurine and amino acids.  It has 320 calories and 74 grams of sugar per
can.    Not Recommended because of the high suga/calories.
edited by Jim Attacap
The Hibiscus Ginger variety of Bissap Breeze brand drinks blends the
company's base of sugar-sweetened hibiscus “tea” with natural ginger
extract, which, in turn, gives the product a sweet and spicy flavor. There’s
still a very heavy dose of hibiscus. The ginger hits you as a secondary
note with a moderate amount of spice that definitely lingers. One of the
better tasting hibiscus drinks though that's not really saying much.

Recommended only for those who like the flavor of hibiscus
Coco Mojo - This blend of Drink Me brand juices includes a USDA Organic
blend of coconut water, kale, lime juice, coconut meat and mint. It’s a “cold
blended” and HPP product, which, at least from a flavor perspective,
definitely helps keeps it fresh-tasting. Unlike other green juices, this product
uses whole kale, including the pulp, so the green flavor is a bit more
pronounced; there are also kale bits throughout the liquid.
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Everything Not Beer

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