Even we beer people are sometimes
forced to drink something other than
beer. As a public service to beer lovers
everywhere BeerNexus presents the only
monthly column of reviews you'll ever
see on a beer website about
everything not beer!
Genius Juice's Kale Coconut Smoothie blends coconut water, coconut
meat, banana, kale, chia seeds, mesquite, maca, chlorella and spirulina,
into a unique tasting smoothie. It starts out very thick -- to the point
where the product clumps around the neck of the bottle no matter how
hard you shake it.  You can taste the kale, but it’s not overly assertive
beyond the first note,  This is one of those you like or hate.  Since it's
150 calories we fall into the latter category but barely since it can grow
on you.    Not Recommended.
Reviews for October 2014
Namacha’s Raw Honey & Lemon variety from Harmless Harvest is a high
pressure processed and USDA Organic certified blend of water, honey,
tea leaves and lemon juice.  The taste of the tea is bold, but smooth,
while the honey gives the product depth of flavor that you don’t typically
see in honey-sweetened beverages.  One of our favorite tea drinks.
Highly Recommended.
edited by Jim Attacap
Carolina Wild is a drink made with 100 percent muscadine grape juice
from concentrate. The flavor of the product is essentially what you’d
expect from a super premium single varietal grape juice: tart, slightly
tannic, and moderately sweet.  This proves  that grape juice does not
have to be a sugary tasting beverage that bears little resemblance to the
fruit that it came from.
Evolution Fresh's Sweet Greens and Lemon is a 100% juice drink made
with celery, apple, cucumber, spinach, parsley, romaine lettuce, lemon,
lime, wheat grass, and clover sprouts. It is fairly mild tasting thanks to the
added lemon juice, which cuts the vegetable flavor and increases the
refreshment factor.  The apple gives the drink a fruity aroma and adds a
slight note at the finish, but it’s otherwise not a key part of this drink  
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Everything Not Beer

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