Honey Porter
Home Brewing Recipes
Baker Street Ales Associate Brewer
Arny Lands
Beer Nexus
the crossroads of the beer world
President Obama bought a home brew kit for the kitchen last
year and had staffers make the first ever home brew in the White
House - a honey porter.  Well, here's my take on their "secret"
extract recipe.  Give it a try and enjoy beer like the President!

Before you start always remember my three golden words of
brewing: sanitation, sanitation, sanitation.

2 (3.3 lb) cans light unhopped malt extract
3/4 lb Munich Malt (cracked)
1 lb crystal 20 malt (cracked)
6 oz black malt (cracked)
3 oz chocolate malt (cracked)
1 lb White House Honey
10 HBUs bittering hops
1/2 oz Hallertaur Aroma hops
1 pkg Nottingham dry yeast
3/4 cup corn sugar for bottling

Directions -

1.  In a 6 qt pot, add grains to 2.25 qts of 168˚ water. Mix well to
bring temp down to 155˚. Steep on stovetop at 155˚ for 45

2.  Meanwhile, bring 2 gallons of water to 165˚ in a 12 qt pot.
Place strainer over, then pour and spoon all the grains and liquid
in. Rinse with 2 gallons of 165˚ water.

3.  Let liquid drain through. Discard the grains and bring the
liquid to a boil. Set aside.

4.  Add the 2 cans of malt extract and honey into the pot. Stir well.
Boil for an hour. Add half of the bittering hops at the 15 minute
mark, the other half at 30 minute mark, then the aroma hops at
the 60 minute mark.

5.  Set aside and let stand for 15 minutes.

6.  Place 2 gallons of chilled water into the primary fermenter and
add the hot wort into it. Top with more water to total 5 gallons if
necessary. Place into an ice bath to cool down to 70-80˚.

7.  Activate dry yeast in 1 cup of sterilized water at 75-90˚ for
fifteen minutes. Pitch yeast into the fermenter. Fill airlock
halfway with water. Ferment at room temp (64-68˚) for 3-4 days.

8. Siphon over to a secondary glass fermenter for another 4-7

9.  To bottle, make a priming syrup on the stove with 1 cup sterile
water and 3/4 cup priming sugar, bring to a boil for five minutes.

10.  Pour the mixture into an empty bottling bucket. Siphon the
beer from the fermenter over it. Distribute priming sugar evenly.
Siphon into bottles and cap. Let sit for 1-2 weeks at 75˚.

Hope you give this "Presidential" recipe or any of my other ones
listed below a try.  


     Good Brewing and Cheers!

             Arny Lands
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